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Adventures In Design

Oct 29, 2020

Mitch Putnam is a founding team member of Mondo and has help curate and create hundreds of posters by the world's best illustrators and designers.

Long-time Adventures In Design regular cohost Mitch Putnam returns to update the state of the design and entertainment industry. A heart to heart with cohost Mark Brickey...

Oct 27, 2020

Emir Ayouni returns with a brand new project called GARM (Graphic Artist Resource Merchant) and he’s here to share how he pulled off this project he had been dreaming about starting for years but it took the pause-demic to get him to finally bring it to life with his creative friends.

Oct 22, 2020

Illustrator painter Jason Edmiston joins us for a conversation about thriving professionally through the pandemic. And how that success can create guilt and discomfort in knowing you’re doing well when others are suffering. Host Mark Brickey tries to help Jason and the audience sort through how we can have empathy...

Oct 13, 2020

Designer, Illustrator & Typographer Lauren Griffin is having a breakout year in her young career. Lauren quickly has hit a stride that many dream of where the work is coming in faster than you can do it, and all the clients are requesting more work in your signature style. Listen to Lauren and Mark, break down how...