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Adventures In Design

Jan 20, 2022

Jake Paul, real-life villain or master performance artist? The NFL ProBowl is a joke, but the print-on-demand of the NFL is not. Trump vs. Desantis is the battle we're here to see. Grand Theft Auto buys FarmVille and makes a BIG statement on the economics of mobile gaming. Lastly, if you were 22 or 12 in 2022, would you...

Jan 13, 2022

Connie gives us a Bowling Green, Kentucky update after the crazy tornadoes ripped through her hometown right before our last conversation. Connie shows up with her Top TV Shows That Premiered In 2021. In the Circle of Trust, Brickey shares the drama of Tanacon, a failed social media event, and makes everyone aware of a...

Jan 12, 2022

You may remember that 56 episodes ago on Adventures In Design 1426 released September 8, 2021 Brickey interviewed Carl about her getting COVID and getting stuck in Maine. Now the roles have reversed and Carl is taking over Adventures In Design and interviewing Brickey about his Christmas Quarantine.

Jan 6, 2022

A talk with Tristan Eaton about how he manages his clients and projects to keep creating the types of projects that afford him the ability to do whatever he wants. A great lesson from one of the masters about how to negotiate with clients to makes sure you’re getting what you need the most, a chance to do you! 
